For many people, taking care of themselves is not a priority, and it should be. Some have said that it's "too hard" or "too expensive" or "too time consuming." The thing is, self care doesn't have to be a day at the spa including massage, facial, pedicures, sauna, etc (although that does sound pretty nice). Self care can start with one small thing at a time. Generally speaking, it's usually a bad idea to make a lot of big changes all at once if you're hoping for them to stick. Take it one step at a time, pick something easy to remember, and stick to it for 21 days before you add another change.
So, what's the most important thing that most people don't do enough of?
Remembering to drink water throughout the day can be easier said than done for many people. Here are some tips to help remind you to wet your whistle:
So, what's the most important thing that most people don't do enough of?
Drink water.
It sounds easy, but it seems that it's a habit that tends to just trickle away through the day if we're not paying attention, leaving us tired and dehydrated at the end of the day. Not only does drinking water help us flush out toxins in our system, it also helps to lubricate our joints, so if you've been dealing with joint pain more than usual lately, try staying more on top of your water consumption for a few days and see how you feel. Ideally, you should be drinking one half to one ounce of water for your weight. For example, if you weigh 150 pounds, you should be drinking 75-150 ounces of water per day. If that is hard to remember, you can always stick with the classic "eight 8-oz glasses of water per day" rule.Remembering to drink water throughout the day can be easier said than done for many people. Here are some tips to help remind you to wet your whistle:
- Get a water bottle that you like and figure out how many of those you need to drink by the end of the day. Some people even label their water bottle with how far down they should drink by a certain time.
- Set a reminder on your phone. There are lots of apps out there that will remind you to drink water throughout the day, but you really don't need anything fancy. The reminder app in iPhone works just fine.
- Set your water where you can see it. "Out of sight, out of mind" is a very real conundrum.
- Add electrolytes to your water. You can get electrolyte packs at your local grocery store to add to your water. These are especially helpful if you get bored of the taste of water quickly. There are also vitamin packs to add to your water so you'll also be getting your daily vitamins with your water.
- Drink a glass of water before each meal or snack. Often times people snack when they think they are hungry, but they are actually thirsty. It is difficult for the brain to differentiate between hunger and thirst. This can also help if you have any weight loss goals you might be struggling with.
- Don't ignore thirst. Drink your water when you are thirsty instead of putting it off until after you finish your current task.
- Make tea when it's cold out. If you can avoid adding sweeteners to your tea, even better. Having tea is a great way to warm up during the cold months of the year and some of the herbs found in teas have their own health benefits.
Once you get into a regular habit of drinking more water, you will likely find that you have more energy, less cravings, less brain fog, and less joint pain.
Once you've conquered this goal, go ahead and give yourself a pat on the back and think of your next self care goal you'd like to add to your routine. It could be something simple, like flossing, or something a little more time consuming, like a 5 minute stretch routine, or adding vegetables to at least one meal per day. It's always ok to start small; you can always add more self care later.