If your back has been hurting and you can't seem to figure out why, you might be overlooking some simple solutions. Making one or two simple changes can make a huge difference in your back and neck pain. Keep in mind that these are solutions to be used in conjunction with chiropractic care and home exercises to maximize the efficiency of the healing process. 1. Wearing a heavy shoulder bag or purse. Carrying a one-sided bag, purse, or duffel bag could be contributing to your back and neck pain because of the uneven weight distribution. Putting your whole load on one shoulder puts excess strain on that side of the body, which causes the muscles on that side to work much harder, particularly the upper trapezius, pectoralis muscles, and the neck muscles. In addition, the other side of your body must compensate to maintain balance and keep you walking upright, which can lead to overactive quadratus lumborum (QL) and underactive gluteal muscles. Solution: wear a backpack...